Doctor Of Education Programs Texas

Our program offers a Doctor of Education or Doctor of Philosophy degree in Educational Leadership and a superintendent certificate.. The College of Education is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (1140 19th Street, NW; Suite 400; Washington, D.

  1. doctor of education programs in texas

C 20036; telephone 202-223-0077) This distinction means we meet or exceed strict academic standards for excellence in education.

doctor of education programs in texas

doctor of education programs in texas, doctor of education programs texas

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While pursuing your doctoral degree, you'll participate in applied research to improve practice through the generation and application of new knowledge.. Acquiring a strong understanding of these concepts will help you establish or further your career in school administration.. Their scholarly accomplishments include:Writing books, articles and book chaptersPresenting research at state, national and international conferencesServing in leadership roles for state, national and international organizationsReceiving and implementing numerous grantsDelivering keynote speeches at state, national and international conferencesServing as visiting professors at other universitiesStudents and professors collaborate on presenting at conferences and publishing works.. Outstanding faculty and resourcesOur faculty members have many years of training and experience as principals, central office administrators, assistant superintendents and superintendents.. A number of the required blended courses are available online No matter the location of a course, you'll have full access to the UNT libraries and all associated research resources.

Faculty advisors work closely with you to ensure you're completing the program, publishing and presenting research, and participating in scholarly work and school district leadership.. The college is also one of the state's top producers of teachers, administrators, counselors and other school professionals.. Courses are available at several locations throughout the North Texas region (Denton, Dallas, McKinney and Fort Worth).. The university provides several services exclusively to graduate students The Graduate Student Writing Support office can help you with writing, and the Center for Interdisciplinary Research offers assistance with statistical research.. Our program is also appropriate for those who may want to move into academe or policy arenas.. Strong student supportOur courses are structured to create a supportive network of colleagues during and after you complete the program.. This network helps you to achieve your goals in the program and throughout your career. 5ebbf469cd